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The best part of pursuing a Dream is the Journey.

This is about living your life now. It doesn’t matter how old or how young you are.

It’s time to start living.



I anticipated a life-changing experience and thought filming might be more interesting than writing a journal. So, I hired a camera guy, Justin Edelman, and together we embarked on a journey that was more life-giving than I could ever have anticipated.

One year became two-and-half years, and I came back feeling more whole and fulfilled than ever before.

It was a miraculous expedition of life. “I would never have learned the many lesson I did, had I stayed home and just continued my everyday life.”


Live Life Leaders

Throughout my journey I encountered some extraordinary people (Live Life Leaders) whose life challenges fueled their passion into achieving extraordinary dreams. It’s their human spirit that resonates with those of us who have a desire to live life to the fullest in spite of obstacles.

This is not a mid-life crisis....

This is about Living your Life Now! It doesn’t matter how old or how young you are. It’s time to start living.